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Sunday, August 20, 2006



Drake is still at the hospital with Renee. He is eating well most of the time (usually all but one feeding). On Thursday, they had to put in a feeding tube to pour Renee's milk in, when he wouldn't eat. She feeds him every 3 hours and is exhausted. I've been staying up there as much as I can, while my Mom watches Dane. Still... there isn't a whole lot I can do. I try to make sure Dane doesn't think we've abandoned him. This has been difficult for the whole family. Hopefully, Drake will be coming home early this week.

Since this blog is about Dane, let's not leave our fearless little man out of the posts any longer. Last month, we stayed at a friends house for my 20 year high school reunion (yes... I'm that old...). Dane stacked up all of the pillows off of their couch. He would jump onto them like a stunt man. He missed on this one:

I've been think of starting a new blog for both of the boys... Thought about naming it... are you ready for this?... Raising Double D's...

I love the name of the new blog!! I am glad to hear that Drake will be able to come home soon, I know how hard it is to leave the hospital and not have your baby. Stay strong and you will be one big happy family before you know it, then it will be both boys jumping off the couch!! :)

Ok, both Alex and I love both the video and the name of the new blog.
i'm with you.
nothing will draw in a new crowd like key words from porn searches!

how have you been sir?

the little one is adorable!
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