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Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Sad News Today

A good friend of mine called me today with some very tragic news. His baby girl passed away in her mother's womb. His wife delivered her today after being pregnant for 8 months. He told me (it's just so heart breaking) they were able to hold her and say goodbye.

It's so sad...

Hug your children tonight if you have any. Say a prayer for my friend and his wife as they struggle through this very difficult time.

Oh, oh, oh! That's sooooo horrible! I have goosebumps on my skin now. How did she die? What happened?

I almost lost my Ariana when I was in labor. Her heartbeat stopped. I was thrown in for an emergency c section, and all I could do was cry. They told me I had to stop crying. I told them that I would if they could tell me my daughter would be ok. They would only tell me that *I* would be ok. I didn't freakin' care if *I* would be ok! Sigh. I tell you true that the happiest sound I ever heard was Ariana crying lustfully right after they ripped her out of me. I remember that fear so awful to have had that happen....
I had a bunch of miscarriages, but all before twelve weeks (and I was over 35, and knew I was high risk). I was lucky, in that my first miscarriage I was pregnant with twins, so I was still pregnant and I got to keep saying "One healthy baby, that's all I want" to myself, and since that was what I got, I was thrilled. After Foilkid, I had at least three more early miscarriages, but I was in my late 30s and early 40s, and already had a healthy girl born at age 38, so again, I knew I was lucky. And the GaahGirl, I didn't know I was pregnant until the 10th or 11th week -- after the time of most miscarriages, so I just relaxed. I can't imagine being in the 8th month and losing my baby. Your poor friend. And his wife. This must be devastating (it hurts just to read it). I'm sure your friendship will mean a lot to them.

One thing I'm sure you won't do: one of my mother's friends had a baby die (crib death) after my mother had twins. My mother thought seeing my mother with two healthy babies would be too hard, so she avoided the friend. This caused a lot of hurt. They will be envious of you and Renee having Dane (well, so am I! And I have two great kids of my own), but they need you and your love. My prayers (or, since it's me, good thoughts) go to them, and hope they will heal and have the courage to try again. That is just too hard.
How horribly sad to carry a child 8 months and lose it. That's just heart-breaking.
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