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Thursday, September 08, 2005


Precious Toddler Dane

Yes, my son has hit the ripe old age of 1. We can no longer call him Baby Dane (although he will always be my baby). He has earned his right to be called a toddler. We had his birthday party on Saturday. Lots of family and friends showed up and Dane made out like a bandit.

The best part was the cake eating. Dane has not had anything like that before and I was a little worried about how his body would react to all the sugars. He started by shoving the cake into his mouth like all kids do, but he stopped, licked it with his tongue and giggled the whole time. He finally started to push more into his mouth, until it was full, chew and shovel more in. 30 minutes later he was wiped out and took a nap while everyone said their goodbyes.

One of his presents was this "big wheel" (I don't know what else to call it). He can't reach the pedals but he loves to ride on it and be pulled around. He presses the buttons (vrrooom vrrooom). I pull him one way and powerslide (errrrrt) to the side. He giggles and laughs! He also received books and an abundance of annoying-noise making toys (luckily they have on/off switches). His favorite seems to a truck and ball he received from Darla (a friend of ours who is a nanny.. she would know what he wants). All in all, it was a good day.

Darla and Kevin (Peanut) stayed the night and after Dane went to bed, we drank margaritas and watched Spongebob Squarepants The Movie. Well... they did, I feel asleep in the recliner. That thing always puts me to sleep during movies.

Sorry about the posion ivy, but man that kid is cuter than cute!
Alex is reading over my shoulder and he commented that Dane looks like my nephew Harvest...I think he has a point! I love how happy he looks in all the pictures. My kids were both hilarious with their first birthday cakes too. I relished every moment of it.

Since I'm a parent, I know EXACTLY what I'm doing when I give a child a very noisy and annoying toy. Therefore, I only do that to parents who have pissed me off ;) I did that once to my brother Mark. He was being a jackass and so I gave his son a xylophone. He looked at me with murder in his eyes. I smiled sweetly. And hey, his son LOVED it!
Aww...I love these pictures. I just got back from visiting my sister in Florida...and more importantly her son, my 3-year-old nephew. Gosh, toddlers are adorable!! Thanks for sharing, Andy. These are great!!

Father and son look great!

What book are you reading Dane, Andy?
Andy: You know, you have a toddler: so you don't have to watch Spngebob Squarepants the Movie as the nightime feature. You can sneak in Spongebob, the Lion King, and anything else as something you are doing to bond with your sond (in an incredibly macho way, of course).

Dane is such a cutie patootie, if I didn't have the Foilkid and the Foilbaby/GaahhGirl, you would need to up your security settings. Set lasers on stun. What a doll! (Incredibly macho, etc. etc.)
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