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Thursday, July 28, 2005


Question from Innana

I enjoyed my interview question from Foilwoman so much, I requested an interview from her very best friend in the whole wide world, Innana.

1. What are five practical things every human being should know how to do before she or he reach 18, and did you know them then?

This is such an excellent question:

1) First and foremost, you're potential is unlimited. You can do/be anything you want. Take risks. The one thing you want to do, but don't think you have the ability to do, is the one thing you need to do.

2) It all works out in the end. You may be scared to death about what happens next, but in the end, it will work out. Just be patient.

3) Network. Knowing people makes the world go 'round.

4) Love people for who they are, not for what you want them to become. We all make mistakes. We are all driven by our perspective of the world, which is usually vastly different from our own. Embrace that difference and learn from it.

5) Stick up for yourself. The regret of not doing so will hurt much more than any repercussion of defending yourself.

I didn't know any of these things. If I had, I would be very different. Some of them I 'm still learning.

2. If there were a soundtrack to your life, what composer/musician would write it (dead or living)?

Aaron Lewis from Staind.

3. How did you meet your wife, and how long did it take before you knew she was "the one"?

We were set up on a blind date in college in 1994. We went on 2 dates after that. The last date, while she was talking, I leaned in to kiss her. Bad timing all the way around. Just no sparks. So we became really good friends. We had many classes together. We went on double dates. I got married to an evil woman and she was in the second row at my wedding. We lost touch after that, because the evil ex-wife was jealous of our friendship (RED FLAG).

After about 2 years we ran into each at a place she worked. We hung out whenever I was in town. Still friends, but there was this part in both of us that was curious (I didn't know this until later). In September 2000, we were both single for the first time in a while and went on a trip together, with some other friend, to Hawaii. We were together the whole time, snuggled in the double bed we slept in. Never kissed, but it felt like something had changed. When we got back I was concerned that "what happened in Hawaii would stay in Hawaii." I called her to tell her I had gotten the pictures developed. The first thing she said was, "You asshole!!! I can't stop thinking about you!" I went to her apartment and we went out that night. It was the first time I had kissed her since 1994... and it was weird! I would open my eyes and... hey... you're my "friend" Renee... I'm not supposed to be kissing you. I got used to it pretty quick.

We dated for a year, before I asked her to marry me. There wasn't any specific time that I said, "this is the one!" It just kind of transitioned into that kind of relationship. I wrote a poem that ended with "will you marry me" and had it printed on a picture of us. I had it framed and took it to a park where we were going to have a picnic. I told her I had a poem I wrote for her and that I wanted to read it. I did and her response was, "uh, yeah..."

4. What Christmas present from your childhood do you remember the best, and why?

The Planet of the Apes Tree House for some reason has always stuck in my head. I don't know why, I just remember it well.

5. You can read one person's thoughts for 24 hours. Who would it be?

My wife, Renee.

Great questions!!!

1. Leave me a comment saying 'interview me please'
2. I will respond by asking you five questions here on my blog (not the same questions you see here)
3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions

Andy, I have erred. I didn't make clear in my question that I wanted to know about activities or skills -- things like changing a tire. Mea culpa. Can I cheat on this game and ask that you redo question no. 1?

And also, re-reading your questions to me, you asked about a piece of information for a teenager, and I gave you advice. Did you mean real information, like facts? If so, I'll redo my answer.
How is your Dad doing? How are YOU doing? I featured one of your posts on my blogsite today. If you notice visitors digging through your archives, that might be why.
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