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Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Foilwoman's Interview Questions

I submitted a request to Foilwoman for interview questions. I was delighted and honored to see these questions posted on her blog. There are also rules that I have to follow:

1. Leave me a comment saying 'interview me please.'
2. I will respond by asking you five questions here on my blog (not the same questions you see here).
3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Here are her question and my answers:

(1) How many children are you planning to have (or, more realistically, would you like to have)? Does Renee know?

I love children. When the idea of children came to mind, I used to say that I wanted 6 kids. While Renee and I were dating we discussed the topic of children. When I told her about my desires for a big family she just stared at me like I was crazy. I quickly came to the conclusion that although I may want a huge family, Renee had total and complete veto power. So I resigned myself to the fact that we would have 2-3 kids.

Now that we have a wonderful, beautiful baby boy and Renee loved being pregnant, she would like to have 6 children (if we could afford it and she could stay home with them). Unfortunately, I can't imagine having 6 children and have changed my mind to having a maximum of 3. I think that is more realistic and affordable. And yes... Renee knows.

(2) How did you choose the name Dane? Being half-Danish, I approve. But I want to hear the reasons.

This will sound so lame. There is a player on the St. Louis Rams named Dane Looker. When I heard that name, I liked and mentioned it to Renee. She liked it too. We had other names picked out, 2 boy names (Gavin and Dane) and 2 girl names (Marley and Kendal) (we didn't find out Dane's sex until the day he came out [I knew... can't explain how, but I knew]). Dane seemed to fit him perfectly.

(3) Your bio says you are a counselor. What sort of counselor, and how did you choose this career.

I'm a mental health counselor. I've worked as a team supervisor for adult services. I've worked as a director for an agency's crisis program. And now I'm working as a team supervisor for children's services. I prefer working with kids. Always have.

I chose counseling because I was good at it. I like the mystery of figuring people out and I can read people pretty well. It seems like a lot of people in my profession went into it to figure out themselves and they make horrible counselors. These folks usually think they know more about you than you do and often want to change you based on their screwed up past. ANYWAY... I enjoy helping people as long as they want to help themselves.

(4) Other than Dane, what's the best thing you've ever accomplished?

I was in the 82nd Airborne for 3 years as a medic (spending time in the middle east, but not during wartime). I completed graduate school with a 4.0 GPA. And I can bench press 315 lbs.

(5) What action that you have taken would you most like to undo?

I was jumped by two guys about 10 years ago. The first was trying to start a fight with me. The reason was ridiculous and I said, "You want fight because of THAT?!" I laughed and turned toward my car. I had two people with me, my girlfriend (at the time) and a guy I played volleyball with. It seemed so ludicrous, I didn't think anything of it (I was bigger than the guy... what was he going to do?).

I came to, trying to push myself up from the ground. My arms feeling like rubberbands, I heard my girlfriend say, "just stay down." Apparently, the one guy sucker punched me, while his buddy pushed me. The result was my head bouncing off of the pavement, splitting it open at my forehead and hairline. I also received a wonderful concussion (if you haven't experienced this... stand in place and spin around 20 times... the result is what you feel like all the time).

So what would I undo? 1) I would never have turned my back on him or his buddy. 2) If I would have known what was going to happened because I walked away, I would have beat the fuck out of him!!

As the rules dictate, here is the open invitation for interviews. Request away...

Thanks Foilwoman!

Please interview ME.
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