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Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Family Picture

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Don't we look great?!

Yes, you do. Lovely family.
As a matter of fact, YES, you do look great!! What a goregous family. You are so blessed - all three of you! Hope to see you in Vegas!!
Ok, so these are the exact words you need to repeat to your wife:

"Holy crap do you look FANTASTIC period, let alone for just having given birth not long ago! You go girl!"

Got it? Ok, great, now tell her ;)
Look at those little toes on Dane. Cute, cute, cute. I think he loves his Daddy. But what's with the serious face? Mommy and Daddy are smiling (well, they would be, they've got Dane), but Dane looks pretty darn reflective. Ooh, those big thoughts. Do I know my colors? Shall I pick something up and put it in my mouth? Should I drool now. How does he juggle it all? Amazing baby.
Foilwoman-Dane's thinking, "Darn it... they caught me looking at the camera!" All the other pictures, he was smiling, but looking at me or Renee or the tree or the ground. When someone else is taking the picture, he just doesn't smile. When we take it (as you've seen), he's all smiles. It's very easy to project thoughts on to him. His face is so expressive... like he's pondering his plan to start ANOTHER million dollar company, but it's probably, "Look, a block!"

WordWhiz-Thank you! Vegas Baby!!!

Kira-I tell her all the time! You should see her in a bikini... you'd be really impressed. Damn, I got a hot wife!!!

Hof-Thanks! I feel blessed everyday.

Mr. Drinker-It really is a great pic! A friend of ours (photography is a hobby of hers) took it... along with a ton of others, to get just the right one. She also took pictures at our wedding (her pictures turned out better than the gal we paid). She's really good at capturing moments, not posed, but as they happen.

Gawblimeyman-I take that as a true complement... Thank you!!
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