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Thursday, June 09, 2005


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Dane's List of Things to do next:
  1. Crawl
  2. Stand on my own
  3. Walk

Now, come on Andy. You can be a more aggressive "my child is a superchild" yuppie type than that:
After crawl, stand on my own, and walk, we've got run, throw a ball, hit a baseball, ride a bike, learn nuclear physics, be a first baseman for the Boston Red Sox, be a better hockey player than Wayne Gretzky, play the electric guitar, ski, get into Harvard, and rule the world. Where's the parental ambition, man? This kid's a go-getter -- just look at that face.
Thanks, he is quite handsome!

I'm going to be the "Meet the Fockers" Dad... I'll jump up and down when he gets 5th or 1st or if he just finishes. I'll push him a little. I'm not going to let him just quit, but I'm not going to drive him so hard he has a nervous breakdown because he didn't practice one day.
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